
Showing posts from February, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!

So it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, but my wife and I almost never celebrate Valentine's Day. I vaguely remember one or two occasions very early on when I bought flowers and immediately got feedback that this was a waste of time haha!  In the parlance of Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages, my wife both shows and receives love through acts of service. She buys groceries, makes meals for the family, and cleans up after us. This is all on top of her being a full-time working mum.  Equally, she appreciates it most when we hang out and fold the laundry, wash the dishes and throw out the trash, and gets most irritated when we leave stuff undone. For me, I like to give and receive words of affirmation. I like to praise my wife and kids, both privately and in front of others, and my biggest romantic gestures have been to write songs about my wife, from our wedding day to our 20th anniversary. I like to receive affirmation from my wife and kids too. I feel saddest when I hear from