No time left to waste

I'm sure we all have long-time acquaintances whom we've known for years and years, but don't really know, because we only speak to them once every 5 years, usually about the weather!  On the other hand, we probably also have friends who, within weeks or months become true friends because we're able to "click" and share our thoughts on things that really matter.  It's the same with God.

This truth was demonstrated ever more clearly to me during this last mission trip.  On the trip with me were my brother-in-Christ A and his family, and my church leader SK and his wife.  Brother A has been a Christian for about a year.  My leader SK has been a Christian for about 10 years I think.  By my own counting, I have been a Christian the longest - about 18 years i.e. the day I realized Christianity meant more than turning up in church occasionally!

It was a humbling experience to see how my brother A stepped up - first of all, to open his eyes to see the needs of people around him and compassionately reach out in love.  My wife and I conducted activities as team leaders just like brother A.  While we only focused on facilitating the activity, brother A had his eyes open to see which kids seemed detached, or distracted.  He had his heart open to reach out and simply ask them eyeball to eyeball "how are you?".  Kids cried when they saw that he really cared.

The second thing was to see how brother A and my leader SK and his wife put aside their fears to pray courageous prayers.  Whenever we encountered the sick, they prayed for healing.  They even challenged the family members of the sick - pray with us, and see with your own eyes how our God heals!  Whenever they met people with needs, they presented the good news of our God who is able to save, not only in this world but for the age to come too.  People were touched when they saw this deep faith and courage.  They literally asked "can we please come with you too?".  This was such a powerful mirror of the words in Zechariah 8:23 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: "In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'"

Yet in most of these mighty works, I found myself standing to the side.  Yes I did pray while my brothers ministered.  Yes I did share the gospel too.  Yes I did try to be friendly and show care too.  But I am really not sure that my level of compassion and faith matched my brothers.  This is not self-flagellation for the sake of it - rather, I too desperately want to walk with such confidence in our mighty God, I too want to overflow with God's compassionate love.  Because I know that this type of life is worth having.

God showed me that it is time.  If a brother who is only a year old in the Lord can grow like this, what about me, a Christian for more than 18 years?  Should I not also have evidence of the fruit of God's loving discipleship in my life?  In Mark 9:35, the Bible records that Jesus sat His disciples down and told them that anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of them all.  Then in Mark 10:31, Jesus went on to say that many who are first will be last, and the last first

I was first in the door into God's kingdom those 18 years past.  But I don't want to linger at the doorway forever - people in the door much later than me are already forging onwards!

An even more sobering lesson is in Matthew 25:14-28.  Jesus tells the parable of the master who gave one servant 5 bags of gold, another servant 2 bags of gold, and yet another servant 1 bag of gold.  The servants with 5 bags and 2 bags each doubled their holdings - "Master, you have entrusted me with five bags of gold.  See, I have gained five more."  To which the Master said "well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master's happiness."

But the servant with 1 bag of gold hid that bag, and had no additional return for his master.  The master took away even that bag of gold and gave it to the one who had ten, saying "For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them."

This seems fair.  If we cannot be trusted with small things, why should God trust us with more?  And why should those who are faithful to obey God not receive more, since they have proved faithful with less?

God has given me, and you, time, resources, energy, and power through prayer.  He does not give us these things to hide or use for ourselves only.  They are entrusted to us for a significant purpose.  He has given us family members, friends and colleagues to bless, and a whole world with needs to be met.  My brothers A and SK showed me how to be faithful with what God has given them.  I pray I will be faithful with what God has given me.  Whether 18 years, 10 years or 1 year, how much more time do we want to waste?  Now is the time, let's seize the moment before God decides someone else is a better steward!


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