Whose way?

I recently read this in Os Hillman's book.
As Christians, we need to move away from the "my business, my way" mindset. Clearly, doing our own thing our own way is not satisfactory.
So some of us succeed in getting to "my business, God's way". This means we go about our lives at home and at work, while successfully maintaining God's principles in the way we do these things.

Make no mistake about it, it is not easy to do "my business, God's way". But even this is not enough. We need to get to "God's business, God's way". This means surrendering our family and our work, our time and our energy, wholly unto Jesus. So that it is not just addressing our agenda his way, but addressing His agenda, His way.

John F Kennedy famously said "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." For Christians, we similarly need to move away from the idea of God as the underwriter for our own agenda. God certainly wants to bless us with abundant lives. But leave that to him. He keeps His promises.

Instead, while recognising that it is God himself who has won the victory, rather than any effort that we can contribute, we should be keen to be His instruments in advancing His kingdom. He can use another, but this is the purpose for which we were made, and we should yearn to fulfil that purpose.

In our workplaces, in particular, we should remember that it is His agenda we are advancing. Therefore we glorify Him in our work. Be excellent in everything we do, so that no one may despise God's people. Be the fragrance among our neighbours and teammates, so that all may see Christ in us. In every circumstance, give thanks, so that we demonstrate that God is our sufficiency, making God's strength evident amidst our weakness.

So, it's not our way, and not even our business. Let's be determined to do His business, His way.


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