Christmas thoughts
Whew what a busy Christmas season.
I was reading the account of Phillip and the Egyptian official in Acts 8:26-40 yesterday morning, and I remember thinking to myself that it was important to avoid falling into the trap of reading for the sake of getting Word time over and done with, but rather, making sure that I identified some practical lessons for application! Anyway, here's what I learned:
1. the angel said "Go" and Philip went. Lesson 1: obey God. He is saying to us "go"! Can you hear?
2. the Egyptian official was already a seeker, trying to understand God. Lesson 2: trust God. He has already prepared the hearer. Will you speak?
3. after that first step, God gave Philip a fruitful ministry and a godly family - in fact he was so successful that many years later, he was even called "Philip the Evangelist" and had four godly daughters (Acts 21:8-9). Lesson 3: God is good! God has an amazing plan for your life. Will you accept?
Christmas is such a good time for re-aligning ourselves with our mission. Jesus was the first missionary, by coming from his throne in heaven, down to earth to suffer and tell us the good news (Phi 2:5-11). Christmas reminds us of this. And we should take every opportunity, not only through our words, but also through our actions, to share the good news we know to those whom we care about. God says "go". He has prepared the hearer. And He has prepared a wonderful future for those who go in obedience.
The various Christmas gatherings we have had over the last couple of weeks were most enjoyable in this regard. I had the chance to tell a little Christmas story with my cup and balls trick at J's party, and we had a nice time playing Taboo too :) I even had a chance to be a blessing at the old folks home which the office organized. Then at L's party on Christmas day, I had the honour to present the good news with the John 3:16 tool. I felt a bit like what is known in baseball as a "pinch hitter", since I didn't really know the ppl there that well, but still, it was great! I have to say I have never had the opportunity to be such a blessing to my office colleagues over Christmas before.
We are surrounded by friends and colleagues whom we care about, and we are compelled by God's love, and our own, to share the greatest gift of all. We owe it to them, and to ourselves. So I am hopeful that everyone of us will continue to brave embarassment and expend time and effort to love our friends and family, because IT MATTERS.
May the new year bring us increased faith and the fruitfulness that accompanies a walk of obedience.