Whose plans are these anyway?
Self-help books often tell us that we need to plan our career. But I can only think of one friend I know who really ended up doing what he planned to do. Me? When I was a kid, my ambition was to be an Autobot. When I realized that wasn't going to happen, I decided I would be an author, because English composition was my favourite subject. Centrepoint was my favourite hangout, not because I was a cool Centrepoint kid, but because my Mum would leave me in Times the Bookshop to read and when I was done there, there was MPH across the aisle! When it occurred to me that there didn't seem to be any Singaporean books being sold in the bookshops, I decided I should be a journalist. Those people seem to be paid. Then I heard that English was important for law too, so I decided I'd be a lawyer. I was a very quiet boy, so I thought I'd be the type of lawyer who would sit in an office drafting stuff. Then in my final year...