The short-tempered fool
I’ve worked in several roles over my career, a number of them within the same organization. I love my job and I love doing it well, but it is astonishing how, every time I change role, I look back and marvel at how much I didn’t know, or even how misguided I was in my previous role. I’m always thankful to have had the chance to see things from these different perspectives – not everyone has the chance to play both sides, change teams and often even be the referee… and then switch back with the benefit of that experience. The key thing I have learned from these experiences is humility – recognizing that I may not have all the information, or that someone else may have a better idea. But lately, I’ve been getting rather impatient. Sometimes at work, with people who I think could put in more thought and effort, or when I simply think I know better. Often at home, when I get frustrated with the kids for not understanding when I’m trying to teach them ...