Nothing But The Blood
Wonderfully sung. I know that not everyone who read this will be immediately familiar with Christian precepts, and I distinctly recall a non-Christian once recoiling with horror when he heard about the "blood of Jesus" like he was in the middle of a bunch of bloodthirsty cannibals. So I'd better explain.
The Bible records that God created man in His own image, so that man might enjoy eternal life and fellowship with God. But man chose to go his own way, essentially choosing to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. This is called "sin". Not just doing "bad" things, but simply separation from God, which is typically manifested as "bad things".
Man instinctively longs to regain that fellowship with God. This is why religion is such a powerful force. There is a God-shaped hole in everyone's heart. We are wired like this. Some people try to regain it through good works. Some try religion itself. Some even try going to church. But there is nothing that man can do to bring himself back to God. God knows this. So in His mercy, He sent His one and only Son, the man history records as Jesus, to die for us on the cross.
What does Jesus dying have to do with reconciling man to God? Well, God is a perfectly holy God. He cannot stand sin. As a perfectly holy God, His created universe has perfect justice. And perfect justice requires judgment of sin. Yet His nature also encompasses perfect mercy. So in His mercy, He took the punishment that OUR sin required by the law of His own universe, on Himself. God's merciful logic.
And God promises that whosoever believes in Jesus, is redeemed by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross (John 3:16). Man has tried everything else, but only God Himself can rescue us. Because only His acceptance of our punishment is enough to absolve us of our sin, and bridge the separation between ourselves and God.
And this, is why the song says "Nothing but the blood of Jesus." QED.
Incidentally, the word "Hosanna" being sung at the end of the song is an expression of praise, that translated, means something like "Save!"
Cheers :)
Its great to meet up :) Keep up the good work!