Made to break!
I recently noticed that some dead spots were appearing near the bottom of my TV screen, so we dug out the warranty from our cupboard, and to our relief, the 3-year warranty was still valid - just one month to go! When the repairman turned up, he took one look at the TV and concluded - nope, this model was too old, so he didn't even have the parts to repair it. So we got a brand new TV from the manufacturer! Woohoo! You know, things didn't use to break so quickly. I happen to have an old TV in the bedroom. You know, those non-smart, non-HD, non-everything TVs. And man, those things refuse to kick the bucket. Same thing with my old microwave, electric kettle, etc. I bought some of these things when I first got married, more than 2 decades ago. Those things were built to last! But these days, things break a lot faster. One big problem is the issue of deliberately irreplaceable batteries, especially in wireless devices like our mobiles, earphones, and laptops and so on. This is,...