
Showing posts from May, 2023

It's not failure. It's steps to success!

Between 2006-2007, I worked on a joint venture project called the Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange (JADE), a US-Singapore attempt to get commodity futures trading going in rubber and crude palm oil.   That year was a difficult year. I had just moved to this new job, and the big project for me then was to coordinate and write the rules for this novel construct, where the contracts would be traded in the US but cleared in Singapore. I was completely unfamiliar with the financial industry and commodities industry, and lacked meaningful experience in writing business rules.  With what seemed like a thousand internal and external stakeholders, I was pushed around from pillar to post, all the while being yelled at by my boss and the regulators. I received reams of input and suggestions from banks, brokers, lawyers and colleagues, and I'd often read their inscrutable comments and wonder - am I stupid, or are they stupid? [Experience now tells me, looking back, that it was often ...