Price's law: the productive square root
Derek Price was a scientist, active between the 1940s and 1970s, known for his work in "scientometrics", which is, broadly speaking, the science of measuring and analysing scientific literature. He proposed a theory for the exponential growth of science - which today is mirrored in a few other theories, perhaps the best known of which is Moore's Law on the exponential growth of computing power. Fun fact, this passion was formed when Price was on a 3-year stint in Singapore at the Raffles College (today, the National University of Singapore) between 1948-1951. He was reading in the Raffles College library and noticed that, when placed in chronological order, the volumes of a scientific journal got thicker and thicker! Derek Price also formulated Price's Law, which is the proposition that a small group of people in a given group are responsible for most of the group's results e.g. that half of scientific literature is produced by the square root of the number of au...