
Showing posts from October, 2020

That's unfair!

There's a famous experiment, in which two monkeys are rewarded when they perform certain tasks. One is rewarded with cucumbers, while the other is rewarded with sweet grapes. The first few times, they both obediently carry out their tasks - then the monkey who's getting cucumbers sees that the other guy is getting a better reward, gets fed-up, throws the cucumber back at the researcher and sulks in a corner! A similar story is told in the Bible in Matthew 20. Early in the morning, a vineyard owner pays some workers a denarius to work for the day. Later on at 9 a.m., the owner sees some other workers and gets them to go to the vineyard too. He does the same at noon, 3 p.m. and even 5 p.m. At the end of the day, he pays the guys who joined at 5 p.m. the promised denarius. So the guys who joined earlier expect to get more. But they don't - he pays them the same amount. They immediately cry foul, but the owner says - you got what you agreed. Don't I have the right to be gen...