Re-entry: Play to Win (AMP Work Blog No. 6)
As I head into the conclusion of the AMP, I find myself contemplating what they call "re-entry": how to apply the learnings from the past 2 months to help the company succeed. It would be a very bad idea to come back and start pompously spouting - "In Harvard, this is what we would have done..."! But on the other hand, just going back to life-as-it-was would be a waste! One thing that has been swimming in my consciousness is the idea of winning . Are we playing to win ? Or are we content to keep up with the pack? Clearly, it's not possible to win in every sphere. Most people will agree that it's generally unlikely that a steel mill can simultaneously succeed as an advertising agency. Putting it more narrowly, it remains true that a luxury handbag maker is unlikely to be able to simultaneously succeed as a budget brand. So the idea is not to play everywhere and try to be all things to all men, but to win convincingly in ...