What we sow, we reap
There is a law of the universe that what we sow, we reap. When we are students, if we put in study, we get... more study. We strive to do well to get into better classes and schools to get more, tougher schoolwork. I bet if you ask a teacher what to do with a high achieving student, the answer would be... more work to challenge that student. In our careers, if we put in work, we get... more work. We strive to do well in the workplace to get the challenging, rewarding roles and assignments. If you ask any manager worth his salt, he will tell you that, to the person who does his work faster and better than the others, he gives... more work to challenge that person. In physical exercise, if we put in more training, we get... more training. We strive to run and jump faster and further so that we can run and jump even faster and further. We run 5k so that we can run 10k. We clock 7 mins/km so that we can get to 6 mins/km. These are all go...