Family rules
I worked with my boy on this social studies project on our family rules. I don't know if these are the three most important, but they're what we came up with. They were meant to be serious, and they are, but I just had to laugh at the examples when we were done... :) ================ My family has some interesting rules and practices. They are mostly taken from what we learn from church or the Bible, or from lessons which my parents learned when they were young. Here are the three rules which I find the most valuable, and which make my family special to me. Rule 1: Always tell the truth This rule is important because the truth always comes to light. My parents are lawyers and they always remind me that telling lies is like a house of cards. Each lie needs to be supported by another lie, until the whole thing collapses. Obeying this rule helps my family members to trust each other. I am not allowed to cheat in any homewor...