
Showing posts from August, 2009

Why kids are great at keeping secrets

Dad: *eating Kong Kong's legendarily amazing hae bee hiam* (sort of a prawn paste chilli) Nat: Daddy, I know Kong Kong's secret for making hae bee hiam Dad: mm hmmm... *continue to eat* Nat: Kong Kong showed me how he makes the hae bee hiam and the secret Dad: uh huh... *continue to eat* Nat: But I cannot tell you the secret. Because, it's a SECRET. Dad: OK... *continue eat* Nat: ... Dad: munch munch munch Nat: ... Dad: munch munch munch Nat: OK OK you want to know the secret Dad: mm hmm... *munch munch munch* Nat: The secret is... Dad: Munch munch munch Nat: and you cannot tell anybody OK? Dad: OK munch munch munch Nat: The secret is... you must put... you know, the secret... CHILLI! Dad: ... Nat: *beams at Daddy* Dad: that's a good secret alright. Nat: Yeah!!!!

The Bees

The other day I was reading Psalm 1, which says, among other things, that the blessed man's delight is in the law of the Lord, and on this law he meditates day and night. And so he is like a tree planted by the stream which yields it fruit in season and leaf does not wither and whatever he does prospers. (Paraphrased vv. 1-3) Psalm 1 reminds me that reading the Word is supposed to be a really rewarding endeavour. I'm very glad that on many occasions, I've seen God speak very clearly to me, and to others I know, through the Word. Like the time a friend and I were praying for someone else, and that very day, God encouraged us that our prayers were heard by directing me to Acts 3:1-9, where, just like my friend and I, Peter and John spoke to a person in need and said "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." And of course, God can speak through other media as well. Just recently, I heard that someone I...

Too late?

My Dad recently asked me why would anyone want to live a good life if, at the last minute, you can turn around and throw yourself upon the mercy of God and be saved? And the hard truth is, we know God will save a murderer if he turns to God at the last minute, whereas someone who has generally been a good guy but rejects Jesus is not going to be saved. The Bible is quite clear that the last minute people are still going to be saved, just because they believe, and not because they've actually done any good deeds. The thief on the cross had no chance to do any good deeds - he just said "Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom", and that was enough. And in the parable of the workers in the vineyard in Matthew 20, Jesus makes it quite clear that it is not our place to grumble about people who come in at the last minute. If the Master wants to be generous, who are we to complain, since we ourselves are the recipients of grace? And of course, everyone THINKS they're the...

the mrbrown show: lekuasimi (the music video)

Dad: *Watching Mr Brown's "Le Kua Simi" spoof* Nat: Daddy what does Lekuasimi mean? Dad: What are you looking at? Nat: NO, what does that thing on the screen mean? Dad: What are you looking at? Nat: THAT THING ON THE SCREEN!!! Dad: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!! :D

At Your Convenience

Hi everyone I read Acts 24 today. Thought I would share an interesting part at verses 24-26. Context: Paul has been arrested and brought before Felix to be tried. "Several days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess. He sent for Paul and listened to him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus. As Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was AFRAID and said, "THAT"S ENOUGH FOR NOW! You may leave. WHEN I FIND IT CONVENIENT, I will send for you." AT THE SAME TIME he was hoping that Paul would offer him a BRIBE, so he sent for him frequently and talked with him." I've highlighted in CAPS the important parts. When Paul started talking about righteousness, self-control and judgment, Felix became AFRAID. He then told Paul - that's ENOUGH FOR NOW and that he would call him back when CONVENIENT. But at the SAME TIME, he was hoping to hear what he wanted to hear i.e. a bribe, so he spoke to Paul frequently....