
Showing posts from February, 2008

Scary success

Sharing for this week - on Sunday, my pastor was telling us that in order not to fall down when skiing, you have to remain at right angles to your skis. When skiing downhill, this means the skiier has to lean forward into the fall, which is counter-intuitive. In other words, you have to throw yourself INTO the slope and commit to falling! Leaning back or attempting to hold back is actually counter-productive, since that actually causes you to really fall down! I don't know anything about skiing so I can't verify the above! But I did play basketball in JC and Uni. And one of the similarly counter-intuitive things I learned was that when you commit to attack the basket and don't worry about getting blocked, you actually have a much smaller chance of getting blocked. Believing that you will get to the basket and fully committing your body to getting there actually helps you to achieve it physically. Strange but true. In the same way, I would like to encourage us to commit 100%...

Aliens :)

Some reflections on the past week. 1. God has a plan for this gathering of Christians in the office I was greatly encouraged to see 10 of us at Tuesday's meeting. To be honest, I had secretly harboured the thought that if no one turned up, we would have a good excuse to stop! But God did not allow us that excuse by bringing so many of us to the meeting :) Since I now know that He will not let us stop, I know that He must have a plan and purpose for this group. Let's walk together to discover His purpose for us in the office. On a funny note, a number of people have actually said after Tuesday's meeting that we should have the meeting more than once a month! Ironic. Arrange once a week, it's too much. Once a month, too little. You just can't win :) Seriously though, we will review in due course. 2. Iron sharpens iron I have greatly enjoyed the lunches with many of you over the past weeks. I was also greatly encouraged by the interest and sharing at the Tuesday meetin...